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  3. The Sunnahs of Leaving and Coming Back Home

The Sunnahs of Leaving and Coming Back Home

Under category : 1000 Sunnah per Day & Night
52872 2007/11/30 2025/03/09

An nawawi  said: "it is preferred to say (in the name of allah) and repeat (remembrance) of allah frequently.

1-Mentioning regards to allah: the prophet (peace be upon him) said: "when a man mention allah while entering his house and when he eats, the devil says to his mates (there is no food or shelter for this night for you) " narrated by imam muslim.

2-Entrance du'aa: the prophet (peace be upon him) said: " say (o allah i ask you the best out of entrance and the best out of exit, i enter in the name of allah and exit in the name of allah, i put my trust in allah) then salute his family." narrated by abu dawood. this is the way a man depends on allah while entering or exiting, which keeps him always connected to allah.

3-Using sewak: imam muslim narrated that the prophet (peace be upon him) used sewak while taking his first steps into home.

4-Salutation: allah says: "so when you enter houses, salute one another (literally: salute yourselves) with a greeting from the providence of allah, blessed and good". (an noor :61) supposing that a muslim who goes for prayers in the mosque practice these sunnahs;  that would make 20 sunnahs a day.

going out, a muslim should say this du'aa : (in the name of allah, i put my trust in allah, whatever allah wishes will be; there is no strength except from allah) so he gets protected, secured, guarded and the devil steps away from him) narrated by at termithi and abu dawood.

a muslim goes out and returns home many times a day; for prayers, work or for whatever and every time he applies these sunnahs, he gets great reward from allah as he submits to his prophet's (pbuh) teachings.

The outcome of the application of these sunnahs:

1-A muslim gets protected from whatever evil he gets in touch with.

2-A muslim gets secured from whatever evil that might hurt him.

3-A muslim gets guided and guarded in everything either divine or secular.


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